April 1, 2025 | University Union 3rd Floor | 9am - 4:30pm
Presented by The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and
the Office for the Vice President of Research and Innovation, and the Honors College
Scholars Day 2025 Schedule
9 am - 2:45 pm
Oral Presentations
2 pm - 2:45 pm
Check-In for Poster Presentations
3 pm - 3:45 pm
Posters on Display
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm
Multiple raffles will be held starting at 3pm. Raffle winner must be present to win.
To Participate
Please read these guidelines in full. All UNT undergraduates are encouraged to participate
and do not need to be members of the Honors College to participate. Research and creative
activity conducted under the guidance of a faculty mentor at UNT during the past year
are eligible.
Students who wish to present at Scholars Day must apply to present a research poster
or an oral presentation by March 6th at 11:59 pm. No team presentations will be accepted.
Full presentation guidelines and requirements will appear within the application links
Optional Competitions
All UNT undergraduates may apply to the below competitive categories. Cash prizes
will be awarded to the top winners in each category. For each category, 1st Place receives $450; 2nd Place receives $350; and 3rd Place, $250.
The competition winners will be announced at the Scholars Day reception. Thus, these
competitions are completed and adjudicated prior to Scholars Day. All competitive
submissions are due on February 28th at 11:59 pm. No late submissions or incomplete work will be accepted.
While URF participants may also choose to apply for an optional Scholars Day competition,
the competitive submission alone does not fulfill the URF requirement that calls for
a Scholars Day presentation. Thus, URF participants who submit an optional competitive
application must also apply for a Scholars Day Presentation (poster or oral presentation)
to fulfill the requirements of the URF.
Scholars Day 3Min to Share Video Competition Application
- Requires a video submission of a recorded 3-minute research presentation.
- Please carefully review the submission guidelines within the application link.
- Due February 28th at 11:59 pm
Link to 2023 3Min to Share 1st Place Winner
Please note that the UNT 3-Minutes-to-Share competition has replaced the poster competition
to encourage wholistic development, beyond research acumen, of communication skills.
Scholars Day Full Research Paper Competition Application
- Requires submission of a full, completed research paper.
- Please carefully review the paper guidelines within the application link.
- Due February 28th at 11:59 pm
Scholars Day Presentations (on April 1st, 2025)
At the Scholars Day event, students may showcase their research via a poster or an
oral presentation. Students presenting at Scholars Day must fill out an application
by March 6th at 11:59 pm. If presenting a paper and a poster, students will fill out two applications.
No late submissions or incomplete work will be accepted.
2024-2025 URF recipients must present either a poster or an oral presentation at the
Scholars Day event to fulfill the URF presentation requirement.
Scholars Day Oral Presentation of Research Application
- Due March 6th at 11:59 pm
- On Scholars Day, oral presentations of research will be scheduled between 9:00am to
2:45pm. Assigned presentation times will be announced in March.
- Please carefully review the oral presentation guidelines within the application link.
Scholars Day Poster Presentation Application
- Due March 6th at 11:59 pm
- On Scholars Day, poster presentations will occur from 3pm-3:45pm. Students presenting
a poster must arrive to check in between 2pm and 2:45pm.
- Please carefully review the poster presentation guidelines within the application
URF Recipients
2024-2025 Undergraduate Research Fellowship recipients must submit a Scholars Day
presentation application as part of their URF commitment. URF recipients must present
either a poster or an oral presentation at the Scholars Day event to fulfill the URF
presentation requirement.
While URF participants may also choose to apply for an optional Scholars Day competition,
the competitive submission alone does not fulfill the URF requirement that calls for
a Scholars Day presentation. Thus, URF participants who submit an optional competitive
application must also apply for a Scholars Day Presentation (poster or oral presentation)
to fulfill the requirements of the URF.
For questions regarding the URF requirements for Scholars Day, please contact Lily.King@unt.edu.
Contact UNT Scholars Day coordinator, David Waters, at David.Waters@unt.edu