Q: Why should I join the Honors College?

A: Check out our Honors College Member Benefits page.

Q: How will I know if I've been admitted into the Honors College?
A: You will receive an email alert to your UNT email or the email you entered on your application.

Q: When does priority registration go into effect?
A: After you have completed an Honors College course, your priority registration benefit will go into effect your second semester in the Honors College.

Q: How do I “accept” my invitation to join the Honors College if I've been admitted?
A: You will activate your membership your first semester in the Honors College by enrolling in an Honors College course or by completing an Honors College Academic experience such as mentored research, an Honors Contract, or Experiential Learning Seminar for an internship or practicum in your major. Please meet with an Honors College advisor to plan the best option for activating your membership. You will learn more during the Honors College session at orientation.

Q: What GPA do I need to be in the Honors College?
A: There is no GPA requirement to apply for the Honors College. If admitted, our members are asked to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA to stay active in the program. Members pursuing an Honors College award are asked to maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA.

Q: How do I apply to be in the Honors College?
A: You can find our application here.

Q: Am I eligible to apply for the Honors College?
A: Incoming freshmen (first year), students already at UNT (continuing), and students transferring to UNT from other universities (transfer) are all eligible to apply as long as they have 3+ long semesters (fall or spring) left in their collegiate career.

Q: How do I get to live in Rawlins or Honors Hall?
A: Once you officially receive an alert of admission into the Honors College, you can apply for Rawlins or Honors Hall in the housing portal. Rawlins Hall is typically for first year students; Honors Hall is typically for upperclassmen. If you have questions about the housing portal, reach out to housing@unt.edu.

Q: Do I have to live in Honors housing?
A: No, you can live anywhere on or off campus and still be an Honors College member. Though, many members do prefer to live in Rawlins or Honors Hall for the community.