Honors College Study-Abroad Scholarship

The Honors College provides a limited number of scholarships to Honors College undergraduate students who have been accepted into a UNT (preferably an Honors College) study-abroad summer program. Scholarships will be a minimum of $1,000 but may be more depending on available funds.
Applicants must include a PDF of a letter, email, or screenshot of confirmation of acceptance to the program at the time of application for the summer scholarship. Applicants must also be able to demonstrate how the study-abroad program will advance the student’s major or minor fields of study, or enhance the student’s vocational prospects via broadened cultural exposure.
Application Opens: Friday, first week of the Spring semester
Submission deadline: March 15

Apply Here!

Honors College Summer Research Scholarship

Honors College students involved in an immersive 10-week summer research program with a UNT faculty mentor are eligible to apply. Application opens during spring semester prior to summer semester student is applying for.
Additional Details and Application