Oral Presentation of research Guidelines
  • Students will have up to 15 minutes to present their research.
  • Students may use a visual aid, such as PowerPoint, with their oral presentation. Students are responsible for bring nay digiral presentation material on a thumb drive. A laptop with a projector will be available. 
Presentation Time and Setting
  • Oral presentation sessions will occur in the morning and early-afternoon of Scholars Day.
  • Students will be assigned to a specific presentation time with approximately 2-3 other presenters.
  • Presentations will be given to a small audience of fellow presenters, UNT faculty, and other guests.
  • Students with accepted oral presentation applications will receive notification of their assigned presentation room and time by _______
Additional Considerations
  • If students would also like to present a research poster (at ____pm) , they must also fill out an application to present a poster _____
  • All presenters are invited to the poster presentations at Scholars Day on April 1st  at ___pm and the reception at ___pm. The multiple raffles will be held starting at ___pm. Raffle winner must be present to win. 

Applications to present an Oral presentation of research are due on March ___, 2025.

Students are only required to submit their research abstract for the Oral Presentation of Research Application. Visual aids and other materials that will be used for the presentation do not need to be submitted.