Dr. GlĂȘnisson de Oliveira, Dean of TAMS and the Honors College, and Mark McLellan, Vice President of Research and Innovation at UNT, are pleased to announce funding for awards to undergraduate students with the best papers and posters presented at University Scholars Day 2022. 

Awards will be made within the following categories:

  1. Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering
  2. Social and Behavioral Sciences, Business, Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism
  3. Arts and Humanities
  4. Fine Arts and Performance

For papers, the student authors of the first, second and third place papers will receive prizes of $450, $350, and $250, respectively. For posters and Fine Arts/Performances, the first, second and third place winners will receive $300, $200, and $100, respectively. In the case of multiple authors on a winning paper, the students will split the prize among themselves.

Each student award winner will also be eligible to compete for an additional $500 award for travel to a regional, national, or international professional conference to present their research paper or poster within the year following University Scholars Day. Only ten travel awards will be given, so students are advised to apply for the travel award as soon as their paper is accepted for presentation. Following their presentation at a professional meeting, students will be required to provide a brief summary (250 words or less) stating the title of the work, the authors, and the faculty mentors; the name, place, and date of the meeting; and a brief abstract.