Honors Housing Hall Selection

If you have already applied for housing but don't have a room assignment and would like to change your preference to an Honors College residence hall

1. Log in to your eHousing portal

2. Select View My App

3. Click on your application number for the upcoming school year

4. Select edit next to application type

5. Change your application type from Traditional to Honors

If you have already applied for housing, are in the queue waiting for a room assignment, and would like to live in Rawlins or Honors Hall

1. Follow the instructions above to change your application type from Traditional to Honors

2. Wait to receive your room assignment (your dorm/hall preference is unable to be changed at this point)

3. Once you have your room assignment, contact Housing at 940-565-2610 or housinginfo@unt.edu to request a reassignment to Rawlins or Honors Hall

If you have not already applied for housing, but would like to live in an Honors College residence hall

1. Follow the normal housing application steps

2. If you are unable to select an Honors College residence hall, make sure that your application type is Honors not Traditional.

a. To change your application type

i. Select View My App

ii. Click on your application number for the upcoming school year

iii. Select edit next to application type

iv. Change your application type from Traditional to Honors

If you do not want to live in Honors Housing, but are only given Rawlins Hall or Honors Hall as options

1. Log in to your eHousing portal

2. Select View My App

3. Click on your application number for the upcoming school year

4. Select edit next to application type

5. Change your application type from Honors to Traditional

If you still have questions or the above processes are unsuccessful, contact the Honors College at 940-565-3305.