Logan Karwoski

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Dr. Joshua N. Hook
In the wake of a tragic event (e.g., Mass shootings and natural disasters), a common first response is an offering of thoughts and prayers. While some who pray make an added effort to help support a cause, recent criticism associates the term "thoughts and prayers" to Slacktivism. Slacktivism is defined as a willingness to perform a relatively costless, token display of support for a social cause, with an accompanying lack of willingness to devote significant effort to enact meaningful change. Given recent tragedies, it is important to understand the role of prayer in slacktivist behavior and activism. nThe proposed study will utilize two research methods to explore such a relationship. A correlational study will aim to analyze the influence of personal prayer methods on frequency of activist methods (e.g., Donating time, money, and other resources). An experimental study will test the effect of prayer coping style on a participant's willingness to give monetary donations toward a disaster relief organization. The results of this study may help promote awareness and discussion among religious communities regarding a need for more personal extension in acts of service beyond prayer. On the contrary, it may also help us understand how aspects of prayer may motivate an individual to take further meaningful action.
Thoughts, prayers, action: Assessing the relationship between prayer and activism.