Keivan Kaviani

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Dr. Konstantia Kapetangianni
Age and immigrant generation as individual variables have oftentimes been previously indicative of certain code-switching patterns and attitudes, but no known study on Farsi/English code-switching as of yet has analyzed age and immigrant generation as correlative elements with simultaneous sociolinguistic effects, nor considered their inextricable relationship with ethnolinguistic identity, migration, and language maintenance. The primary research questions are as follows: Do linguistic attitudes and sociolinguistic motivations for Farsi/English code-switching vary across different groups of Iranian-Americans living in the DFW area based on both age and immigrant generation? Which language attitudes and sociolinguistic motivations for code-switching can be identified in each sample group? Are these attitudes and motivations influenced by personal experiences of migration? The results show that while immigrant generation, age, and personal experiences of migration arguably affect the use of code-switching and differing linguistic attitudes across the sample groups, none of these factors seem to impact sociolinguistic motivations for code-switching, nor do these motivations differ across the sample groups.
Farsi/English Code-Switching in DFW: The Effects of Age and Immigrant Generation on Sociolinguistic