Ashley Bocanegra

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Dr. Rex Wright
Since this laboratory’s inception, we have investigated how people respond psychologically and physiologically under various tasks while under different conditions. The primary concern of this study is to investigate how a person’s effort response when performing behavioral restraint – active resistant against an urge to act in any form – during an emotionally evocative video. Additionally we will also look at multiple levels of perceived difficulty (low, medium, and high), although studies previously conducted in this laboratory focused on two levels of difficulty, high or low. I hypothesize that by adding a new varying level of difficulty will come a different level of effort response by participants as a result. Behavioral restraint, although studied, has not had enough literature so that we have an overall well understanding of this phenomena, therefore this study s meant to fill in the gaps in the literature that are still present on this topic.
Effort-Related Cardiovascular Response as a Function of the Perceived Difficulty of a Facial Restrai